Thursday 17 September 2015

The Art in Drawing

Drawing, is the first image that conjures up in ones mind when they think of art. In Malaysia, the art world is replete with many talented artists. However, Mr Prasad encompasses all the features of an artist. He is lay back and his office looks so untidy it would play a perfect scene in a CSI Miami episode.

I sad down with him and managed to interview him.

" What motives you sir? Why did you pick up a pencil rather than a paint brush" Shumina.
The 26 year old from Kuala Lumpur cleared his throat, and gazed in the roof before coming up with an answer.
" I am motivated by art, specifically drawing because it is the only thing I have ever been good at. I have painting, it is too messy" Mr Prasad.

The difference between painters and drawers is akin to the difference between chefs and bakers, you gravitate towards either skill depending on your environment and talent.

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