Thursday 17 September 2015

Sintren Dance

Sintren is the art of Javanese traditional dance, especially in the town of Pekalongan.Art is famous on the north coast of Central Java and West Java, among others in Pemalang, Pekalongan, Brebes, Banyumas, Kuningan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and Jatibarang. Sintren also known as lais. Arts Sintren known as the dance with the scent of mystical magic that comes from love story Sulasih with Sulandono.
Sintren is traditional dance from Cirebon and known arround that city like Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan, Brebes, and Tegal. This dance is a mistic dance which the dancer is a virgin girl. That girl bundled and then put inside to rooster cage with wraped by sarong. Then the matermind walk arround that cage while spell an abracadabra to call the soul of princess Dewi Lanjar. If this successfull, and the cage was opened by someone, the girl free of bundled and has a beauty make up, and dancing with sound of gending. When the music stop, the girl stop dancing and sleep. Remember, she is not dancing with her soul, but soul of princess Dewi Lanjar and her body was sleep until the performance done.

Sintren played by a girl who is still sacred, assisted by the handler to the accompaniment of gising 6 people. In the development of dance as an entertainment culture Sintren, then equipped with a dancer companion and bodor (comedy).

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