Tuesday 15 September 2015

Saung Angklung Udjo

 Saung Angklung Udjo adopts the philosophy of easy, affordable, educative, attractive, massive, and cheerful performances that are essence of their ultimate show called “Kaulinan Urang Lembur”or villagers’ playtime. The show is packed with spectacular short performances, commencing with wayang golek (wooden puppet) show, helaran (agricultural harvesting celebration) rites, traditional dances, kids games, introduction to angklung, angklung orchestral performance, interactive angklung performance that involves visitors playing angklung, and arumba performance.

Saung Angklung Udjo also dedicates itself to the conservation and preservation of the natural environment. As a form of environmental responsibility, Saung Angklung Udjo cooperates with the Ministry of Forestry, getting involved in the ‘Indonesia Planting’ Campaign, known as Kampanye Indonesia Menanam, and created the Forestry Counseling Centre. Together, they run the “One Man, One Tree” program, educating visitors about the importance of planting trees and giving them the chance to participate in the program. This symbolizes the close relationship between culture and nature, as one cannot separate angklung from bamboo.      

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