Thursday 17 September 2015

Rumah Gadang

Each of culture of Indonesia has specific model of architecture, some are so different and the other could be little bit similar one and another. Minangkabau indigenous peoples in West Sumatera Province have a very beautiful house both the outside and inside, they named their traditional house as Rumah Gadang (big house) or Rumah Bagonjong (spired roof house), both local names refer to its form. The architecture, construction, internal - external position, form or decoration, and the functions of the house reflect the culture and values of the Minangkabau. The similar model also can be found on Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.  Rumah Gadang, at first glance, also has similarities with traditionalToraja houses, Tongkonan.


Rumah Gadang built as a stilts house, stilts house is a model of traditional house that commonly found around Indonesia, this model is a reflection of local genius. Rumah Gadang's roof is essentially made from very simple materials the palm fiber. the roof has a curved and tapered upwards called Gonjong. It is the reason why people there alson named Rumah Gadang as Bagonjong.

Rumah Gadang that resembles to the shape of boat hulls supposedly related to the shape of the boat Minangkabau ancestors in the past. The boat called Lancang (sassy) sail up to the upper of Batang Sampar river. Arriving on the ground, the boats then withdrawn and subsequently supported by the timber to stand strong also roofed and used as a temporary shleter. This is the forerunner to the Tower House.

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